Dates: Tuesdays
Time: 6:30 – 9:00 PM
Where: Brandon Town Hall (Upstairs)
Cost: $5 per player (only for the nights you attend)
Are you wishing for summer days and cornhole fun! Winter Cornhole @ the Brandon Town Hall is here. Run by our Cornhole Commissioner in training, Ross Edmunds, Our winter cornhole experience has changed to allow for more play for a longer period of time (Through March) and allow more more people to show up and throw! NO pre registration required.
The Set-up: Players will show up and be thrown into a blind draw for partners. Commissioner Gee will create brackets and these newly formed pairs will play for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place each night. Prizes will be based upon the number of participants
For more information see below
How long is a game? A regulation match lasts 25 minutes from the designated start time or until one team reaches 21 points in each game. You do not need to hit 21 exactly and can go over 21. We will play best out of three games against your scheduled opponent each night. If a team is winning 13-0, it is considered a skunk and that game is considered done.
What area can I stand in? You can be anywhere to the left or right of the board, as long as you stay on that side for the entire match. You can stand all the way up to the front of the board. Team mates will stand on opposite ends and on the same side.
How does cornhole work? The object is to be the first team to reach 21 points by either throwing the bag onto the board (1 point) or in the hole (3 points). Board will be placed approximately 27 feet (front to front) from each other. This distance is placed out by the league manager. Cornhole boards and bags will be provided. Each court consists of 2 boards and 8 bags.
How to play: Begin the game with a coin flip or play rock, paper, scissors between the two captains. The winner determines the end from which play will start and gets the first throw. In the playoffs, the higher seeded team has those privileges. Players may not cross the foul line, which is located at the front of the board. All players must throw from behind this line.
Scoring: A game consists of frames. Each team rotates throws their bags until all bags are thrown to the other side, at which point, the frame is complete. Each frame consists of calculating the difference of all the bags on the boards and in the hole at the end of the frame per team. The net points is kept track of from each frame. Example: Team A scores 8 points in frame 1 and Team B scores 2 points in frame 1. This would mean that Team A would receive 6 points for that frame and would also be the team to throw first in the next frame.
What happens if a bag is knocked off the board? It is fair game and points are added up at the end of the frame.
Violations that can result in a bag being removed from the board/hole: 1)If a player crossess the foul line before the bag is released. 2)If a bag hits the ground before getting to the board. 3)If a bag strikes an object such as a tree limb.
What is there is a scoring issue/dispute? All questions and issues will be handled by the league manager. The league manager will make the final ruling on all protests. Please remember, we are all out here to have fun! At the end of the day, it is just cornhole with friends!